About Us

At our ISO certification body, we envision a world where quality and excellence are the cornerstones of every organization’s operations. We strive to foster a culture of continuous improvement, where businesses across the globe uphold the highest standards of quality, efficiency, and sustainability. Our vision is to be a trusted partner in the journey towards excellence, empowering organizations to achieve ISO certification and demonstrating their commitment to superior performance and customer satisfaction.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive ISO certification services that inspire confidence, trust, and credibility in the global marketplace. We are dedicated to assisting organizations of all sizes and industries in implementing robust quality management systems that align with ISO standards. Through our expert guidance, efficient processes, and unwavering commitment to excellence, we aim to:

  1. Unwavering Commitment to Excellence: At UKAAB ISO Certification Body, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality and excellence in every aspect of our operations.

  2. Expertise and Experience: With a team of seasoned professionals and experts in ISO standards, we bring extensive knowledge and experience to every certification project.

  3. Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize the needs and objectives of our clients, offering tailored solutions and personalized support throughout the certification process.

  4. Efficiency and Timeliness: Our streamlined processes and efficient workflows ensure prompt and timely certification services, minimizing disruptions to our clients’ operations.

  5. Global Recognition: UKAAB ISO certifications are globally recognized, providing our clients with a competitive edge in domestic and international markets.

  6. Industry Recognition: UKAAB ISO Certification Body is widely recognized and respected within the industry, with a track record of success and satisfaction among our clients.

WaveBank Training

United Kingdom American Accreditation Bureau  UKAAB Accreditation scheme for Calibration and Testing laboratories is strictly built as per ISO 17025.


ISO 15189:2012 delivers the specific requirements for quality and competence that are specific to medical imaging


According to ISO, an inspection is: An examination of a product, process, service, or installation or their design and determination of its conformity with specific requirements


The United Accreditation Foundation offers an internationally recognized accreditation program for the certification of persons.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9



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